Rowdy Scarletts - Red Hat Society Chapter # 60600

Monday, November 19, 2007

Meeting and Scrapbooking at the AOH

We met a the AOH courtesy of Pat S and Mary who also provided goodies for our dining pleasure. After planning events in to the new year, Mary schooled us in the art of scrapbooking. We all brought pictures to preserve in folders and found trimming pictures isn't as wasn't as easy as Mary made it look as she demonstrated. We discussed planning and sponsoring an events to invite other Red Hat chapters and surveyed the AOH as a perfect site for the event.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Black Light Indoor Mini-Golf and Ice Cream

Fearlessly, we mastered the links at the indoor course in Latham. We took clubs in hand and with our adorned chapeaus, we braved the course and with many strokes (in my case) completed all holes. Michelle and Julie joined us for the first time at this event. Amidst laughter and threats to the ball to go the way we wanted, Joan M and Michelle were the winners with the lowest scores. Then we were off to Friendly's foor ice cream sundaes (and yes they were the diet kind with no fat or calories - or so we told ourselves!)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Hampshire Fall Frolic

It was off to New Hampshire for the Fall Frolic at the Best Western Inn in Keene, NH Afternoon a welcome tea, we frolic'ed in the pool and first met the blow up Red Hatter. After shopping, we dressed in our finest for dinner, and were indeed Rowdy with our kazoos, funny sounding horn, and cow bells courtesy of Patti B. Karoke and dancing followed dinner. New Hampshire missed out on our singing as we couldn't find a song we all knew the words to, but Pat S vowed the audience with her ballroom dancing including lift moves with the Blow-up Red Hatter. After a PJ breakfast the next morning where several of us debuted our new red and purple feathered caps where our chapter received loud applause at the introductions, we traveled home and stopped to dine and shop along the way in New England.