Rowdy Scarletts - Red Hat Society Chapter # 60600

Sunday, September 20, 2009

ELVIS appearing LIVE in Schenectady

Once again, The Rowdy Scarletts have presented a terrific show! Elvis, and it was the young and gorgeous Elvis, gave a tremendous performance and delighted everyone who attended. With scarves from his neck draped around the lucky ladies neck, he gave a quick kiss on the cheek,sang to his lady (of the moment) and we swooned! And screamed and threw our undergarments at the stage.
We proudly wore our best 60's attire and poodle skirts (in red and purple of course), and dined on a fabulous meal of Elvis's favorites including Baked Kentucky Rain chicken, Love Me Tender Roast Beef, Loving You Smashed Potatoes and King Creole Beans with, of course, a peanut butter and banana pie for dessert.Thanks toTodd who wore a special red chef's hat just for us.Fabulous door prizes were awarded and we showed off all of our Elvis knowledge with Elvis trivia contests. Elvis dance contests with real inflatable guitars showed our dancing talent.