Rowdy Scarletts - Red Hat Society Chapter # 60600

Friday, June 25, 2010

Karaoke at the AOH

     Impromptu events can be a lot of fun!  After we heard that the AOH was having karaoke, we had no choice but to go and SING!  And sing we did, with a lot of flash and flair, but not always exactly on tune or int time with the music.  But when we sang "  These Boots are Made for Walking" and "Friends in Low Places" , we were stars in our own minds.  BTW, there was also a few cocktails and dancing!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Tea at Chuck's House

     Chuck, Ade. and Hank planned and presented an elegant tea at Chuck's home.  It was unseasonably warm, so most of us decided to forgo hot tea in favor of the iced variety.  Elegant foods and  desserts, and lovely antique tableware enhanced the whole experience along with some ladies wearing Victorian garb.  Great conversation and a trivia game added to the fun of the afternoon as did feet in the cool water of the pool.   And Rowdy even joined us near the end of the afternnon!
    Thanks Chuck, Ade & Hank.